Thursday, July 8, 2010

the me I want to be.

So moving right along, it is summer time...which allows myself to think! It is so easy for me to get in my daily work and home routine, and not once be still and reflect...on life. So if you don't mind, I am going to attempt to share what I am learning.

Our small group is doing a study right now called, The Me I want to be. We are not too far into the study, but so far, it has brought a prespective that I have never really thought about. Let me share a part from chp 2 of The Me I Want to Be:

Your flourishing is never just about you. It is a "so that" kind of condition. God designed you to flourish "so that" you could be part of his redemptive project in ways that you otherwise could not. He wants you to floursih "so that" people can be encouraged, gardens can be planted, music can be written, sick people can be helped, or companies can thrive in ways they otherwise would not. When you fail to become the person God designed, all the rest of us miss out on the gift you were made to give.

I have been pondering a few thoughts. Who is the "me" that God wants me to be? What holds me back from this? What am I passionate about?

My loyal friends, I challenge you to also take a few minutes from your busy routine to do that same thing. I would love to compare notes!